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From Farmers Boy to Fine Wines by Mereo Books

by George Arthur

George Arthur, born to a rural Cheshire family and raised as a hard-working farm boy during the blitz years of the Second World War, began his working life as a humble shipping clerk, then after National Service in the RAF he studied industrial engineering, which kicked off a successful career in the transport industry. As a transport manager George found himself dealing with ‘scallywags’ who had devised all kinds of tricks to cheat their employers, and coming into conflict with trade unions whose practices threatened the survival of British industry. In the final phase of his career, he rose to become Managing Director of a leading logistics company in the fine wine business. Now, in retirement, he looks back on his varied and eventful life.

Published: 1 June 2020
Pages: 290
ISBN: 978-1-86151-957-3
Size: 203 x 127
Price: £10.00
Format: Paperback

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