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Boy, Beak and Beyond by Mereo Books

by John Wilkinson

John Wilkinson taught for 25 years at Marlborough College, one of Britain’s most prestigious public schools and the alma mater of many famous men. Finally, in middle age, he obeyed the urge to free his spirit in a more colourful milieu and took early retirement to move to rural southern France, where he still lives, dividing his time between his home in a Gascon village and a retreat in the colourful surroundings of the town of Chefchaouen, the jewel in the Moroccan crown. This vivid, honest and entertaining memoir is an intimate and moving portrait of life in a great public school, followed by nearly three eclectic decades living in style as an Englishman abroad.

Published: 20 October 2021
Pages: 466
ISBN: 978-1-86151-007-5
Size: 234 x 156
Price: £15.00
Format: Paperback

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