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The Pegasus Adventure

by J Staniforth

The Pegasus Adventure is a tale of a small group of people dissatisfied with life on earth and determined to start a different way of life. To ensure that no-one can escape the intolerable New World Order imposed on the Earth, even space travel has been forbidden – or, indeed, any venture into space.  In reaction to this, the small band of adventurous people, mainly scientists, have come together to plan and work together to elude the throttlehold of a world dictatorship – in an isolated place, a desert no less, surprisingly, in a remote area of China!  Secrecy, of course, is of the utmost importance.

Will they succeed in building a spacecraft that will take them outside the earth’s atmosphere – and propel them to a new life of freedom and adventure, to a new world that they can seed to form a new earth where there are new heavens and new untethered ideologies?

The Pegasus Adventure is a page-turner, not just on account of the impetus of the story, but because of the fascinating, yet believable technological innovations that emerge as a result of the lateral and collaborative thinking of the individuals concerned.

Published: June 2013
Pages: 248
ISBN: 978-1-90954-485-7
Size: 127 x 203
Price: £12.99
Format: Paperback

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