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God’s Sorely Tested Child

by Marion Tymms

Though the name of Annette von Droste-Hülshoff was little known during her lifetime, she is now recognised, more than 160 years after her death, as a significant German poet. Her work is linguistically challenging and her imagery taxing, but a study of it can prove richly rewarding. God’s Sorely Tested Child aims to open up this opportunity to English-speaking readers. Conscious that it would be both difficult and inappropriate to attempt to separate Droste-Hülshoff’s work from the woman, her life and the religious climate in which she lived, Marion Tymms, a scholar of German literature for more than half a century, has written God’s Sorely Tested Child to offer new insight into the author’s life and work, focusing on her poetic cycle Das Geistliche Jahr (The Spiritual Year) and presenting a complete translation of it.

Published: July 2012
Pages: 234
ISBN: 978-1-90902-060-3
Size: 234 x 156
Price: £12.99
Format: Paperback

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