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Bitter Sweet

by Juanita Nena Rudonbeeke

Juanita RudonBeeke’s poems in Bitter Sweet go straight to the heart and are reflections on a wide range of human relationships. She writes with love and sympathy, but never with blinkers on, for she does not conceal the injustices, the cruelties, and the betrayals, so often manifested in the modern world and as often demonstrated in her beloved country of Belize. I love the gentle wisdom, the acceptance of the ineluctable mutability of life, in ‘Those to Heaven Sing’. All of the poems have this sense of mature acceptance. The gentle probing about the mystery of life in ‘Time Without End’ leaves one with a sense of wonder. I do like these poems for they leave no dregs of anger or frustration at the bottom of the cup, as it were, when you have read them. If anything, they leave a sweetness, albeit sometimes a bitter sweetness, when you have closed the book. Also, you can read them again, coming back to them like a refreshing stream.’ – Charles Muller.

Published: August 2012
Pages: 146
ISBN: 978-1-90930-415-4
Size: 127 x 203
Price: £12.99
Format: Paperback

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