Turning your book into a reality


by Tony Dwelly

Tremarrow is set in the nineteen-sixties and follows on from Julie’s Meadow. Julie and Sarah are both pregnant; Julie’s love still shines through. Tremarrow has a few new characters that come to the village, some more welcome than others. One in particular has a very sad tale to tell. The story is based around the wicked Rupert who was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his and Sarah’s Mother. But has he found a loophole that will get him out of gaol? A lot happens around the village before we find out. The author has semi-retired since writing Julie’s Meadow. This has given him a little more time to write the sequel. He was overwhelmed by the feedback from many people asking him for a sequel. “I’m glad,” he says, “so many readers got involved with the characters as I did. Things haven’t changed. I still have that feeling that I know them all personally and get emotionally involved with them. Once again I hope whoever read’s Tremarrow has as much enjoyment as I did writing it.”

Published: July 2012
Pages: 254
ISBN: 978-1-90902-063-4
Size: 127 x 203
Price: £10.00
Format: Paperback

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