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The Lighter Side of Teaching

by Scott Hamlyn

Whilst teaching is a serious and responsible career, motivating young enquiring minds and stimulating curiosity, there is frequently a funny side to it – in fact the author points out that teachers who don’t have a sense of humour are likely to struggle in the classroom, particularly as research has shown that the average child laughs ten times more often than the average adult. Scott Hamlyn, who taught two subjects to ‘A’ Level in English secondary schools for over thirty years, looks back on the lighter side of his career with tales of everything from dressing up as one of the Supremes for a Christmas show whilst a probationary teacher to hilarious encounters and incidents both in and out of the classroom, including collies driving sheep across the campus.

Published: 5th November 2018
Pages: 100
ISBN: 978-1-86151-901-6
Size: 203 x 127
Price: £12.99
Format: Paperback

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